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简介1.100字左右奥运英文短文2.奥运英语知识3.跪求英语奥运知识(含译文)4.帮我找一下关于奥运知识英文的5.关于奥运会的知识6.谁有英语版的奥运知识介绍啊?The Olympics of Ancient Greece Although records cannot verify games earlier than 776 B.C., the contests in Homer‘s Iliad








The Olympics of Ancient Greece

Although records cannot verify games earlier than 776 B.C., the contests in Homer's Iliad indicate a much earlier competitive tradition. Held in honor of Zeus in the city of Olympia for four days every fourth summer, the Olympic games were the oldest and most prestigious of four great ancient Greek athletic festivals, which also included the Pythian games at Delphi, the Isthmian at Corinth, and the Nemean at Argos (the Panathenaea at Athens was also important). The Olympics reached their height in the 5th–4th cent. B.C.; thereafter they became more and more professionalized until, in the Roman period, they provoked much censure. They were eventually discontinued by Emperor Theodosius I of Rome, who condemned them as a pagan spectacle, at the end of the 4th cent. A.D.

Among the Greeks, the games were nationalistic in spirit; states were said to he been prouder of Olympic victories than of battles won. Women, foreigners, sles, and dishonored persons were forbidden to compete. Contestants were required to train faithfully for 10 months before the games, had to remain 30 days under the eyes of officials in Elis, who had charge of the games, and had to take an oath that they had fulfilled the training requirements before participating. At first, the Olympic games were confined to running, but over time new events were added: the long run (720 B.C.), when the loincloth was abandoned and athletes began competing naked; the pentathlon, which combined running, the long jump, wrestling, and discus and spear throwing (708 B.C.); boxing (688 B.C.); chariot racing (680 B.C.); the pankration (648 B.C.), involving boxing and wrestling contests for boys (632 B.C.); and the foot race with armor (580 B.C.).

Greek women, forbidden not only to participate in but also to watch the Olympic games, held games of their own, called the Heraea. Those were also held every four years but had fewer events than the Olympics. Known to he been conducted as early as the 6th cent. B.C., the Heraea games were discontinued about the time the Romans conquered Greece. Winning was of prime importance in both male and female festivals. The winners of the Olympics (and of the Heraea) were crowned with chaplets of wild olive, and in their home city-states male champions were also awarded numerous honors, valuable gifts, and privileges.

The Modern Olympics

The modern revival of the Olympic games is due in a large measure to the efforts of Pierre, baron de Coubertin, of France. They were held, ropriately enough, in Athens in 1896, but that meeting and the ones that followed at Paris (1900) and at St. Louis (1904) were hampered by poor organization and the absence of worldwide representation. The first successful meet was held at London in 1908; since then the games he been held in cities throughout the world (see Sites of the Modern Olympic Games, table). World War I prevented the Olympic meeting of 1916, and World War II the 1940 and 1944 meetings. The number of entrants, competing nations, and events he increased steadily.

To the traditional events of track and field athletics, which include the decathlon and heptathlon, he been added a host of games and sports—archery, badminton, baseball and softball, basketball, boxing, canoeing and kayaking, cycling, diving, equestrian contests, fencing, field hockey, gymnastics, judo and taekwondo, the modern pentathlon, rowing, sailing, shooting, , swimming, table tennis, team (field) handball, tennis, trampoline, the triathlon, volleyball, water polo, weight lifting, and wrestling. Olympic events for women made their first earance in 1912. A separate series of winter Olympic meets, inaugurated (1924) at Chamonix, France, now includes ice hockey, curling, bobsledding, luge, skeleton, and skiing, snowboarding, and skating events. Since 1994 the winter games he been held in even-numbered years in which the summer games are not contested. Until late in the 20th cent. the modern Olympics were open only to amateurs, but the governing bodies of several sports now permit professionals to compete as well.

As a visible focus of world energies, the Olympics he been prey to many factors that thwarted their ideals of world cooperation and athletic excellence. As in ancient Greece, nationalistic fervor has fostered intense rivalries that at times threatened the survival of the games. Although officially only individuals win Olympic medals, nations routinely assign political significance to the feats of their citizens and teams. Between 1952 and 1988 rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union, rooted in mutual political antagonism, resulted in each boycotting games hosted by the other (Moscow, 1980; Los Angeles, ). Politics has influenced the Olympic games in other ways, from the propaganda of the Nazis in Berlin (1936) to pressures leading to the exclusion of white-ruled Rhodesia from the Munich games (12). At Munich, nine Israeli athletes were kidned and murdered by Palestinian terrorists. The International Olympic Committee (IOC), which sets and enforces Olympic policy, has struggled with the licensing and commercialization of the games, the need to schedule events to accommodate American television networks (whose broadcasting fees help underwrite the games), and the monitoring of athletes who seek illegal competitive advantages, often through the use of performance-enhancing drugs. The IOC itself has also been the subject of controversy. In 1998 a scandal erupted with revelations that bribery and foritism had played a role in the awarding of the 2002 Winter Games to Salt Lake City, Utah, and in the selection of some earlier venues. As a result, the IOC instituted a number of reforms including, in 1999, initiating age and term limits for members and barring them from visiting cities bidding to be Olympic sites.


Games held in ancient times on the plain of Olympia in Greece every four years. It was a time for laying aside political and religious differences, as athletes from all the Greek cities and districts competed. The games included patriotic and religious rituals as well as athletic contests, and high honors were given to the winners. The Greeks counted their years by olympiads (periods of four years) and dated events from the first Olympics in 776 b.c.

The Olympic Games deteriorated under Roman rule of Greece and were halted in the fourth century. They were revived in the late nineth century, with goals of peace and fellowship modeled on those of the ancient Olympics. The modern Olympics include many athletic events of the original games, such as the discus throw.










就是在这样的条件下,古代奥运会连续举办了一千多年。据说,奥运会的脏乱程度令人闻之色变,以至于有这样一种说法——对于不服管教的奴隶,主人会以威胁的口气对他说:再不听话,就罚你去奥林匹亚看奥运会! (《南方周末》8.19赋格文)













奥运会自公元 776 年于希腊的奥林匹亚举行以来,已经有 1200 年的历史。当时的运动项目有五项全能(包含铁饼、标枪、跳远、赛跑和摔跤)、赛跑、拳击、摔跤、Pankration(拳击和摔跤的混合运动)、四轮马车赛跑和骑马。

奥林匹克的复兴始自 1896 年,当时希腊的雅典举办了第一次现代奥运会,当时有来自 14 个国家的 245 名运动员参加。 此后,参赛运动员、参赛国家和比赛项目与日俱增,在 2000 年澳大利亚的悉尼奥运会上,有来自 199 个国家的 10,000 多名运动员参赛。

冬季体育项目最早在 1908 年添加到奥运会中,当时是花样滑冰运动。冰球项目自 1920 年加入。在 1924 年,冬奥会第一次在法国的查米尼斯单独举行。 自 1994 起,冬奥会定于不和夏季奥运会同年举行,因此目前奥运会为每两年一届,冬季奥运会和夏季奥运会交替进行。




说起五环的来历,曾经有过这样一个有趣的故事。 1936年第11届柏林奥运会第一次举行火炬传递活动,火炬的传递路线自奥林匹亚开始,从希腊北部出境,沿多瑙河穿过奥地利,最后进入德国。为了烘托这一具有象征意义的活动,奥运会组委会卡尔?迪姆及其同事几乎完全按照古奥运会的情景来布置沿途经过的古希腊遗址。火炬到达德尔菲帕那萨斯山的古代运动场时要举行一个特别仪式,这时,迪姆突发奇想,在一个高约3英尺的长方形石头的四面设计并刻上了现代奥林匹克运动的五环标志,放在了古运动场的起跑线一端。仪式结束后,火炬继续北上,而这块作为道具的石头却被留在了古运动场。








Olympic Games

The Olympic Games is an international multi-sport event subdivided into summer and winter sporting events. The summer and winter games are each held every four years. Until 1992, they were both held in the same year. Since then, the summer games are held during the first year of an Olympiad, the winter games during the third year.

The original Olympic Games (Greek: Ολυμπιακο? Αγ?νε?; [Olympiakoi Agones] (help·info)) were first recorded in 776 BC in Olympia, Greece, and were celebrated until AD 393. Interest in reviving the Olympic Games proper was first shown by the Greek poet and newspaper editor Panagiotis Soutsos in his poem "Dialogue of the Dead" in 1833. Evangelos Zas sponsored the first modern international Olympic Games in 1859. He paid for the refurbishment of the Panathinaiko Stadium for Games held there in 1870 and 1875. This was noted in newspapers and publications around the world including the London Review, which stated that "the Olympian Games, discontinued for centuries, he recently been revived! Here is strange news indeed ... the classical games of antiquity were revived near Athens".

The International Olympic Committee was founded in 1894 on the initiative of a French nobleman, Pierre Frédy, Baron de Coubertin. The first of the IOC's Olympic Games were the 1896 Summer Olympics, held in Athens, Greece. Participation in the Olympic Games has increased to include athletes from nearly all nations worldwide. With the improvement of satellite communications and global telecasts of the events, the Olympics are consistently gaining supporters. The most recent Summer Olympics were the 2004 Games in Athens and the most recent Winter Olympics were the 2006 Games in Turin. The upcoming games in Beijing are planned to comprise 302 events in 28 sports. As of 2006, the Winter Olympics were competed in 84 events in 7 sports.

附录(古代奥运会):Ancient Olympics:

There are many myths surrounding the origin of the ancient Olympic Games. The most popular legend describes that Heracles was the creator of the Olympic Games, and built the Olympic stadium and surrounding buildings as an honor to his father Zeus, after completing his 12 labours. According to that legend he walked in a straight line for 400 strides and called this distance a "stadion" (Greek: στ?διον, Latin: stadium, "stage") that later also became a unit of distance. This is also why a modern stadium track is 400 meters in circumference — the distance a runner trels in one lap (1 stadium = 400 m). Another myth associates the first Games with the ancient Greek concept of ?κεχειρ?α (ekecheiria), Olympic truce. The date of the Games' inception based on the count of years in Olympiads is reconstructed as 776 BC, although scholars' opinions diverge between dates as early as 884 BC and as late as 704 BC.

From then on, the Olympic Games quickly became much more important throughout ancient Greece, reaching their zenith in the 6th and 5th centuries BC. The Olympics were of fundamental religious importance, contests alternating with sacrifices and ceremonies honouring both Zeus (whose colossal statue stood at Olympia), and Pelops, divine hero and mythical king of Olympia famous for his legendary chariot race with King Oenomaus of Pisatis, and in whose honour the games were held. The number of events increased to twenty, and the celebration was spread over several days. Winners of the events were greatly admired and were immortalised in poems and statues.The Games were held every four years, and the period between two celebrations became known as an Olympiad. The Greeks used Olympiads as one of their methods to count years. The most famous Olympic athlete lived in these times: the sixth century BC wrestler Milo of Croton is the only athlete in history to win a victory in six Olympics.

The Games gradually declined in importance as the Romans gained power in Greece. After Emperor Theodosius I proclaimed Christianity the religion of the Empire and banned pagan rites, the Olympic Games were outlawed as a pagan festival in 393 AD.

During the ancient times normally only young men could participate.Compes were usually nude, not only as the weather was ropriate but also as the festival was meant to be, in part, a celebration of the achievements of the human body. Upon winning the games, the victor would he not only the prestige of being in first place but would also be presented with a crown of olive lees. The olive branch is a sign of hope and peace.

Even though the bearing of a torch formed an integral aspect of Greek ceremonies, the ancient Olympic Games did not include it, nor was there a symbol formed by interconnecting rings. These Olympic symbols were introduced as part of the modern Olympic Games.


As you know, the 29th of summer will be held in Beijing of China in the year 2008.众所周知,2008年北京将举行第二十九届夏季奥运会。My classmates and I are so exciting and We want to learn more about Olympic .我和同学们都非常兴奋,并打算学多点关于奥运会的知识。Olympic Games will be some good infections bring to Beijing.奥运会给北京带来些好处。For example,it’s a great time for the world to know more about China. 例如,这是一个很好的机会让世界更了解中国。And a lot of citizens of Beijing may study English actively .很多北京人们会学习英语。They speak to foreign friends and community in English.用英语与外国朋友交流。

I am looking forward the Beijing Olympics on August 8, 2008 very much. 我盼望着2008年8月8日快点到来。





China has its own sport legends. Back to Song Dynasty, People started to play a game called Cuju, which is regarded as THE origin of Ancient football. So now, you will understand why our women football team is so good today

With a concept inspired by the famed Silk Road, our Torch Relay will break new ground, treling from Olympia through some of the oldest civilizations known to man-Greek, Indian and Chinese. Carrying the message “Share the peace, Share the Olympics. “ The flame will pass through Tibet, cross the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, Trel the Great Wall and visit Taiwan and the 56 Ethnic communities who make up our society. On its journey, the flame will be seen by and inspire more human beings than any previous relay.

I am afraid I cannot prevent the whole picture of our cultural programs within such a short period of time. Actually, what we he shown you here today is only a fraction of Beijing that awaits you. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that Beijing will prove to be a land of wonders to athletes, spectators and the worldwide television audience alike. Come and join us.

Thank you. Thank you all.


I was born in Beijing and live in Beijing, and I love Beijing very much. When I heard that Beijing will he a chance to hold the 2008 Olympic Games I feel very hy and excited, and I hope I can do something useful to build Beijing into a beautiful and energetic city.

I n the twenty-first century, environment is becoming more and more important, so we he Green Olympic as a slogan. Of course slogan is just a goal, the most important thing is we should do some things to make it true. Such as assort the trash, se the energy and so on. We are still students now, so we cant do anything really big. But if everybody does something good for our environment we could make Beijing more beautiful.

In fact the things we can do are easy. Like not littering the useless batteries everywhere, assort the trash which we want to throw away, and also protect the animals and plants around us, because they are important parts of the energetic Beijing.

Luckily I had a chance to take part in an activity that is we planted 5 trees in our campus. My classmates and I worked very hard. This activity doesnt only plant trees, but also contribute to our environment. Look at the trees, I believe, tomorrow there will be more trees and flowers standing in Beijing and give Beijingers a beautiful environment.

We are all Chinese people, live on the earth. We he only one capital, just like we he only one earth. If we dont beautify our environment, who will? Good environment depends on good human consciousness. We should say that protecting our

surroundings is not easy. Thats why Im standing here to summon people do it.

The 2008 Olympics games is coming, this is a chance for us to show the good environment we he to other people. If we do from the bottom of our heart, Beijings tomorrow will be more brilliant it will he blue skies, cleaner rivers. Who dont want Beijing to become more and more beautiful? If we do our best, tomorrow will be better!














The 2008 Olympic Game has been the most discussed and anticipated event through out Beijing ever since Beijing bid for it years ago. Yet the focus has shifted from making a promise to making good a promise after Beijing’s successful bid. In my opinion, to bridge the gap between a promise and reality, Beijing still has a long way to go. Here are some of my ideas on how to fill that gap.


First, the speaking of English is far most important than all other difficulties. Learning a language takes a long time and a lot of heart ship, it’s not easy. So can we get most of Chinese to speak English before 2008? It needs us to try and practice very hard.


China has its own sport legends. Back to Song Dynasty, People started to play a game called Cuju, which is regarded as THE origin of Ancient football. So now, you will understand why our women football team is so good today

With a concept inspired by the famed Silk Road, our Torch Relay will break new ground, treling from Olympia through some of the oldest civilizations known to man-Greek, Indian and Chinese. Carrying the message “Share the peace, Share the Olympics. “ The flame will pass through Tibet, cross the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, Trel the Great Wall and visit Taiwan and the 56 Ethnic communities who make up our society. On its journey, the flame will be seen by and inspire more human beings than any previous relay.

I am afraid I cannot prevent the whole picture of our cultural programs within such a short period of time. Actually, what we he shown you here today is only a fraction of Beijing that awaits you. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that Beijing will prove to be a land of wonders to athletes, spectators and the worldwide television audience alike. Come and join us.

Thank you. Thank you all.



Good afternoon!

Before I introduce our cultural programs, I want to tell you one thing first about 2008. Youre going to he a great time in Beijing.

China has its own sport legends. Back to Song Dynasty, about the 11th century, people started to play a game called Cuju, which is regarded as the origin of ancient football. The game was very popular and women were also participating. Now, you will understand why our women football team is so good today.

Cultural events will unfold each year, from 2005 to 2008. We will stage multi-disciplined cultural programs, such as concerts, exhibitions, art competitions and camps which will involve young people from around the world. During the Olympics, they will be staged in the Olympic Village and the city for the benefit of the athletes.

Our Ceremonies will give Chinas greatest-and the worlds greatest artists a stage for celebrating the common aspirations of humanity and the unique heritage of our culture and the Olympic Movement.

At last, I believe that Beijing will prove to be a land of wonders to athletes, spectators and the worldwide television audience alike. Come and join us.

Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you all.



你好! 在我介绍我们的文化节目之前, 我想首先告诉你一 件事大约2008 年。你将会去有了不起的时光在北京。中国有 它自己的体育。回到宋朝, 关于第11 个世纪, 人们开始演奏赛 称Cuju, 被认为古老橄榄球的起源。这场比赛非常普遍并且妇女并 且参与。现在, 你了解为什么我们的女子橄榄球队今天很好。文化 每年将展开, 从2005 年到2008 年。我们将演出多被磨练的文 化节目, 譬如音乐会, 陈列, 艺术将涉及青年人世界各地的竞争对 手和阵营。在奥林匹克其间, 他们将被演出在奥林匹克村庄和这个 城市为运动员的目的。我们的仪式将给中国和世界的伟大人民, 最了不起的艺术家一个阶段为庆祝人类和我们的文化 和奥林匹克运动独特遗产的共同志向。最后, 我相信北京将被证明 是奇迹土地对运动员, 观众和全世界电视观众。来加入我.谢谢总统,谢谢大家


我们的奥运 ... 中文奥运演讲稿


**,代表了北京,代表了我们,黄皮肤黑眼睛的炎黄子孙。北京,作为中国的首都,长期以来都是奥林匹克运动最积极的支持者和参与者。早在1991年我们就首次提出了申奥的请求,作为一个北京人,我永远不会忘记八年前在,2000年奥运会主办城的投票现场,投票前,由12名与我年龄相近的女孩代表北京演唱了《茉莉花》;那歌声很美,很动人。然而,我永远难忘的确是在北京落选时,她们放声大哭的情景。那一次,北京输了。但,我们从不曾放弃。正如奥林匹克精神所号召的那样“The most important thing is not to win,but to take part;Just as the most important thing in the life is not principle,but struggle。”北京有1500万市民,民意调查表明:支持申奥的占了94.9%。这个数字是惊人的,北京人申奥的热情,更是巴黎,大阪,多伦多或是伊斯坦布尔所望尘莫及。歌德曾经说过:“光有意志是不够的,我们必须见诸于行动。”作为一个发展中国家的首都,北京申奥的科技实力是引人关注的。那么,就让我们到北京城里看一看吧!磁卡电话遍布全市;高速公路四通八达;体育场馆引入纳米技术;交通管理实现电子监控。经过近10年的建设和发展,北京己经比首次申奥具备了更强的科技实力。 绿色,代表了环境,是地球村的色彩。科技一日千里的今天,人们并没有忽视对环境的爱护。在地球村的理念中,绿色是永恒的主题。近20年来,奥运也顺应时代,强调奥运与环境相结合。因此,北京要办的奥运是绿色的奥运。一方面,市民们自愿出力建设奥运林,为古长城增添新景,另一方面,投资修建“五河十路”绿色通道,为北京又添绿衣,到2000年为止,全市绿色覆盖率以达36%,人均公共绿地达9平方米。北京用双手建造了一个绿色的家园,更期盼一个绿色的奥运。

选择了色彩,或许有人会问我画面的内容。是这样的:2008,绿色的地球村将迎来又一个全人类的体育盛典,火红的圣火走进了一个古老的东方国度,届时,我们,所有的炎黄子孙将高唱同一首歌《NEW BEIJING,GREAT OLYMPIC》









The emblem resembles a person doing "taiji" (Tai Ch'I), symbolizing gracefulness, harmony, vitality and mobility as well as unity, cooperation, exchange and development.



New Beijing, Great Olympics

Reform and opening up to the outside world he brought about great changes in Beijing , a city with a 3,000-year history. The city has taken on a completely new look as it enters the new century. It will embrace the athletes and friends from the rest of the world attending the Olympic Games with great enthusiasm.

The great modern Olympic Movement has gone through many changes in the past 100 years. Should the Olympic Games be held in China , the most populous nation in the world, the Olympic spirit will be even further disseminated and a new page will be turned in the Olympic history; and the Olympic Movement will show its unique splendor to the world in the new millennium.

2008夏季奥运会 2008 summer Olympics

国际奥委会 the International Olympic Committee (IOC)

申办城市 the bidding cities

候选城市 the candidate cities

申办2008年奥运会 bid for 2008 Olympics

北京奥申委 Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Bidding Committee (ICO)

主办2008年奥运会 host the 2008 Olympic Games

奥林匹克精神 the Olympic ideals; the Olympic spirit

世界奥林匹克日 the International Olympic Day

环境保护 protect the environment

北京四环路 the fourth ring road in Beijing

城市基础设施建设 the city's infrastructure construction

最后的投票 make the final vote

绿色奥运 the Green Olympics

科技奥运 the Scientific Games



2008 Beijing Olympic Games

The Games of the 29th Olympiad in 2008 are awarded to the city of Beijing."With the motto "New Beijing, Great Olympics", Beijing promises to host a "Green Olympics", a "Hi-tech Olympics" and the "People's Olympics".

Chinese people always reciate the purposes and principles of Olympic ideal, support the efforts of Olympic Games to promote world peace. The Chinese Government and people are doing our the utmost/best to prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, and shooting at the pageant with advocating Olympic ideal, sparkpluging world peace and enhancing the relationships among the world. Olympic spirit are gonna spread again in orient cultural ancient China.

The and people of China he always admired the purposes and principles of the Olympic spirit and supported the efforts made by the Olympics in promoting world peace. The Chinese and people are doing our utmost in preparation for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. It is our hope to make it a grand gathering that will carry forward the Olympic spirit, promote world peace and enhance the friendship among people of the world, so that the Olympic spirit will flourish once again, this time in China, an oriental country with an ancient civilization.



奥运比赛项目-足球 Football

Football -Olympic sport since 1900


While the modern game of football started with the foundation of the Football Association of England in 1863, its roots extend to opposite ends of the earth. The ancient Chinese, Greeks and Romans played a similar game, long before English kings in the 1300s and 1400s were trying to outlaw the violent sport.


In 1900, football became one of the first team sports included in the Olympic Games. During the Sydney Games, the sport celebrated 100 years of Olympic football. Women's football was introduced at the 1996 Olympic Games, where the final attracted a world record crowd for a women's sporting event of 76,000 people.


奥运比赛项目-跆拳道 Taekwondo

Taekwondo -Olympic sport since 2000


Various Korean forms of martial arts he existed but in the early 20th century, taekwondo became the dominant form. In 1955 a group of Korean martial arts leaders chose taekwondo as the definitive Korean martial art in an attempt to promote its development internationally.


In 13, the Korean recognised the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) as the legitimate governing body of the sport, and the first World Championships were held in that year.


奥运比赛项目-铁人三项 Triathlon

Triathlon -Olympic sport since 2000


While taekwondo and triathlon both debuted as the newest Olympic sports at the Sydney 2000 Games, triathlon was literally the newest sport. Although the origins of taekwondo date back thousands of years, the triathlon dates back to 18.


The first triathlon was held in the south-western United States city of San Diego in 14, in many ways an outgrowth of the California jogging craze. The ultimate endurance test, it requires athletes to excel at three very different pursuits - swimming, cycling and running. The sport demands particularly intense discipline because each area requires a high-level training schedule.


奥运比赛项目-垒球 Softball

Softball-Olympic sport since 1996


There is little soft about Olympic softball. One pitch at Atlanta was clocked at 118 kilometres per hour (73.3 mph). Considering the pitcher stands 13.1 metres (43 feet) from the batter, and the hardest-throwing baseball pitchers throw 160 kilometres per hour (99.4 mph) from 18.4 metres (60 feet), softball batters he essentially the same time to react as their baseball counterparts.

亚特兰大奥运会女子垒球场上的奋力一掷曾达到时速118公里——事实证明奥运女子垒球并不比男子棒球更“温柔”。考虑到垒球投手与击球手之间的距离为13.1米(43英尺),而即使是一名竭尽全力的棒球投手从18.4米(60英尺)开外的距离投掷也只能投出时速160公里的一掷。 由此来看,垒球击球手需要做出正确反应的时间与她的棒球同行所需要的时间在本质上是一样的。

In addition, a softball is as hard as a baseball. The only difference being the size; a softball is 30.4cm (12 inches) in circumference and a baseball is 22.8cm (9 inches).


奥运比赛项目-赛艇 Rowing

Rowing-Olympic sport since 1896


Tactically, it sounds as ludicrous as sprinting the first five kilometres of a marathon. To win a 2000-metre rowing race, the crew must sprint for the first 500 metres.


Such are the demands in the sport of the Athlete of the Century and the Oarsome Foursome.


Rowing is an endurance test that finishes at a speed of up to 10 metres a second. Crews cover the middle 1000 metres at about 40 strokes per minute, but, over the first and last 500 metres, shift up a gear to as many as 47.


The modern master is Steve Redgre of Great Britain, widely hailed as the greatest rower ever. A six-time World Champion, he won gold medals at the last five Olympic Games and has been loosely crowned Athlete of the Century.


奥运比赛项目-排球 Volleyball

Volleyball-Olympic sport since 1964


Volleyball, like basketball, is a sport whose origin is known almost to the day. Oddly enough, both sports were invented at the same college and within a few years of one another. Volleyball was invented in 1895 by William G. Morgan, a student at Springfield College and a director of the YMCA at Holyoke, Massachusetts. The game was originally called "Mintonette".

同篮球一样,排球的历史可以追溯到一百多年之前。非常凑巧,两项运动在同一所大学诞生,只是时间上相差几年而已。排球是韦廉姆·G·摩根(William G. Morgan)在1895年发明的,他是美国斯普林菲尔德专科学校的学生,也是马萨诸塞州霍利奥克城的基督教青年会干事。最初这项运动被称做“Mintonette”。

Volleyball quickly spread around the world and became more popular in other countries than in the United States. The Fédération Internationale de Volleyball (FIVB) was formed in 1946. The sport was introduced to the Olympics in 1964 by the Japanese, although it was never contested as a demonstration sport at the Olympics. No country has been truly dominant in volleyball, although the Soviet Union has won the most medals. Originally the Japanese had the world's best women players while the United States had the best men's team in the world throughout the 1980s.


Volleyball has now reached great heights of popularity in the United States and Brazil, largely thanks to the discipline of beach volleyball. The beach volleyball phenomenon, although hugely visible, is still just in its infancy. From the first FIVB World Tour event just over ten years ago, to the overwhelming spectator and television success of 'Beach' at the Atlanta 1996 and Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, beach volleyball has opened up Volleyball to a completely new market.




奥林匹克运动会(希腊语:Ολυμπιακο? Αγ?νε?;法语:Jeux olympiques;英语:Olympic Games;中文简称“奥运会”),是国际奥林匹克委员会主办的世界规模最大的综合性运动会,每四年一届,会期不超过16日,是世界上影响力最大的体育盛会。















The emblem resembles a person doing "taiji" (Tai Ch'I), symbolizing gracefulness, harmony, vitality and mobility as well as unity, cooperation, exchange and development.



New Beijing, Great Olympics

Reform and opening up to the outside world he brought about great changes in Beijing , a city with a 3,000-year history. The city has taken on a completely new look as it enters the new century. It will embrace the athletes and friends from the rest of the world attending the Olympic Games with great enthusiasm.

The great modern Olympic Movement has gone through many changes in the past 100 years. Should the Olympic Games be held in China , the most populous nation in the world, the Olympic spirit will be even further disseminated and a new page will be turned in the Olympic history; and the Olympic Movement will show its unique splendor to the world in the new millennium.

2008夏季奥运会 2008 summer Olympics

国际奥委会 the International Olympic Committee (IOC)

申办城市 the bidding cities

候选城市 the candidate cities

申办2008年奥运会 bid for 2008 Olympics

北京奥申委 Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Bidding Committee (ICO)

主办2008年奥运会 host the 2008 Olympic Games

奥林匹克精神 the Olympic ideals; the Olympic spirit

世界奥林匹克日 the International Olympic Day

环境保护 protect the environment

北京四环路 the fourth ring road in Beijing

城市基础设施建设 the city's infrastructure construction

最后的投票 make the final vote

绿色奥运 the Green Olympics

科技奥运 the Scientific Games